Javier Baena

$ sudo valar_morghulis | valar_dohaeris

Node.js, Arduino & Raspberry Pi: Reboot

This post is sort of a reboot for our Node.js, Arduino & Raspberry Pi series (you can read previous articles here and here).

As previously told, we were trying to control an Arduino board from a Raspberry Pi, and then turn that Raspberry Pi into an AP so that it could host a Node.js app and we could connect to it in order to control the Arduino. For this, we were using an Arduino Leonardo board.

So.. what are the news?

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Node.js, Arduino & Raspberry Pi (II)

UPDATE: Johnny-Five is fully working now! read more about it here!

In our last post we talked about talking to Arduino with Javascript. We used the framework Duino as a workaround when your Arduino board, as mine, is not the best suited for running Jhonny-Five (or if you can’t manage to make it work, as it was my case).

Our next step: Repeat our current achievements from a Raspberry Pi connected to our Arduino board.

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Node.js, Arduino & Raspberry Pi (I)

UPDATE: Johnny-Five is fully working now! read more about it here!

I have recently completed a course about environmental monitorization with Arduino, and once completed, I decided that I wanted to go a little further in the use of Arduino with Javascript.

Some time ago, when I didn’t have any Arduino board of my own, I already tinkered a little bit using the board of a friend, with the help of a library called Jhonny-Five by @rwaldron, which has become sort of the standard for using Arduino with Javascript (You can read more about javascript-controlled robots here).

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Currently Reading

Every time I see our sysadmin doing his… well, sysadmin stuff, I think to myself: “When are you going to boost your sysadmin skills??”. So I have decided to forget all I know about system administration (done! that was easy) and give this book a go.

I’ll keep you posted as I learn… this is going to take me some time, I am afraid!

Cleaning old local branches with git

When working with a branch-per-feature approach, I tend to forget to delete my local branches when they are completely merged (my bad, I know :P).

My workmate @ivanguardado came up with this useful snippet to delete at once all local branches that have already been merged to master.

$ git​ branch --merged master | grep -v 'master$' | xargs ​git​ branch -d


New Blog :)

setTimeout(function() {
  console.log("Welcome to my new blog");   
}, 5000);

Just wanted to finally try Octopress and have a place to share tips, tricks, and lessons learnt from my day to day ;)